Saturday, October 10, 2009

His Word is Truth

It has been a week since my last post..As I log on this morning, I am not really sure what my heart feels led to write, so hopefully as my fingers hit the keys God will place the words within me.

I go to a home group bible study on Friday nights. There are about 10-15 adults, depending on everyone is there and there are approximately 18 kids on a given night (the kids play upstairs). I love that families can get together in the comfort of a home and discuss the Word of God. The dynamics of this group is different. The mixing of us is unique, yet the blend works great. We all bring something new, unique, fresh, and insightful to the conversation.

We are studying the book of James. We are breaking it apart about a half a chapter at time. We read it out loud and then spend 15 minutes or so quietly journaling on our own. When we are done we come back together and talk about what verse spoke to us, what we observed through it, how it applies to our life and a prayer to support our understanding of it. I love hearing which verse spoke to each person, what they first thought when they read it, and what their perspective of it is. God's Word comes alive. It resonates in your heart when you hear it through different observations.

I encourage you to find a home group, a small bible study, a journaling partner, or whatever works for you so that you can spend time talking out God's Word. What I was reminded of last night as I was reading, journaling, and then talking through things with our group was how important it is to stay in the Word daily. I was talking and realized how I was referring back to other scripture. I was listening to my friend and hearing her refer to people in the bible and how they handled a certain situation. We were pulling from our knowledge of the Word. We were capturing the truth and applying to our life and the lives of our sisters and brothers in Christ. We were pointing out how we could apply the Word to our lives by having an understanding of the Word.

As I read James 2:1-13 last night, I realized again how important it is for us to ground our identity in Christ. I had a hard time choosing a scripture to journal on but I finally settled on a portion of v8 NLT "...Love your neighbor as yourself." The theme of chapter 2 of James is to not judge or favor others. Of course our neighbor is not just our physical address neighbor, but really everyone around us. How can we love our neighbor as ourselves if we don't have a firm grasp on who we are in Christ? How can we serve our neighbor, serve our God, love others, love God if we can't say I am "God's masterpiece", "I was created in the image of God"? How can we "be Jesus" to the world if we don't know who Jesus says we are?

We need to spend time really understanding who Christ says we are. And then living out that identity.

"Love your neighbor as yourself." If we don't love who God created us to be, or believe we are his "masterpiece", then how can we love our neighbors or serve our God?

Love God, love others.

"I have come to do your will O, God." (Hebrews 10:7)

"Our purpose to to glorify the Lord." (I can't remember if that is an actual scripture or the summary of a few different scriptures.)

"Choose this day who you will serve." (Joshua 24:15)

As I flip through my bible and scan through the Word of God, I can't escape the fact that in order to live out my faith, I HAVE to decide to know that I am a God's child. I HAVE to decide that I will believe that God created me to be Him to others and I can't do that without knowing and deciding that my identity lies with in Him and Him alone.

I encourage everyone today and this week to make a decision to believe that you are God's chosen creation, put on this earth at this particular time to serve Him and do His will and He has equipped you to do whatever He has planted in your heart.

You are loved by God. You are purposed by God to love others and Love God. You were given gifts and talents unique to you. You are His masterpiece. You were create "anew" in Him. Your sins are forgiven. His plans for you are good. It says it all in the Word and the Word is truth.

You are His.

You are love and valued by Him.

You are His child.

You have just what you need to walk out your purpose.

Love who God created you to be. He doesn't see you as the events that happened in your life or the messes you have been in or the way we see ourselves. He sees you as He created you. Perfect. Unique. Lovely. Valued. Worthy of Love.

Please believe it. It is true.
Love, Teresa

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