Saturday, April 17, 2010

100th Post

This is my official 100th post! Wow...I didn't know I had that much to say :)

I am having a hard time deciding what to write today because I have more than one thing on my mind. I am thinking of writing about 10 facts about myself...about my reading of David...the exciting things happening with my non profit What Is Beautiful?...a few great books I am reading...

So much to write about...I think I just came up with what I will write about during the week!

Today I will list 10 facts about myself.

1. I was born in Washington state.
2. My birthday is August 9.
3. I graduated from Lake Stevens High School in 1984.
4. I was a cheerleader in my senior year. Go Vikings!
5. I have my Bachelor's Degree and K-8 Teaching Certificate that I received at the age of 38.
6. I have blue eyes.
7. I have 4 different versions of the bible on my desk right now and 5 bibles.
8. My kitchen walls are red.
9. I sleep on the right side of the bed and never have to make the other side!
10. I have one brother, 1 stepsister, 3 half brothers, and one half sister....although I think of and love them each as my full brothers and sisters.

Not too exciting!!!! But that is a little about me on my 100th post.

If anyone who lives in the state of Washington would like to walk or sponsor the National Eating Disorder Walk, it is on May 22nd in Seattle. Leave a comment in the post and I will get back to you.

Also if you live in Washington and want to go to the Joyce Meyer Conference in Spokane on May 6-8 let me know....the admission is free...and I have no idea where I would stay or if my van will make it there...but let me know if you want to go!

And one more thing...the other day I wrote something in my post that I want to correct and apologize for...I wrote that my dad and "his" family came over to my house...I am not sure why I said that and it has been on my heart ever since I reread that post...because I don't just consider them "his family" but my family as well...So let me restate dad, step mother, brother and niece came over to take us to dinner for Madie's bday. Love you guys!

Have a great night!
Love, Teresa



    That's awesome!

    I wish I lived closer, cuz you know I would walk every step of that NED walk with you.

    And, if I had the whole bed to myself I'd sleep smack dab in the husband would argue that i do anyway. ;)

    Loved reading these 10 fact about you...lokking forward to the next 90! ;)

  2. Yeah 100!
    Wow has time flown.....
    Are you seriously thinking about coming to see Joyce? You could totally stay with me but I am still an hour away......praying God does something awesome and we can stay in a hotel together downtown and see her all 3 days....wouldn't that be fun!!
    You should tell us the rest of 100 facts about yourself....come on you can do it!!
    love you
