Sunday, April 4, 2010

Be Ready

I took the week off to enjoy spring break with my kids. We got to go to Birch Bay (a little beach town close by) and enjoy the beach...even though it was cold...and swim in the indoor pool. Jack and I built a great sand castle and threw many rocks in the water. Madie of her favorite activities. Megan couldn't come up because her spring break was the week before so we missed her.

Last night I was thinking about Easter and what it meant. And I really felt as though the Lord was impressing upon my heart that today is the beginning of a new year for myself and my family. New Life. New Beginnings. And I believe that for you all as well. Today is the first day of the rest of the year...He has Risen and we are free...

The scriptures that have been heavy on my heart are Luke 12:35-36 NLT
"Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning, as though you were waiting for your master to return from the wedding feast. Then you will be ready to open the door and let him in the moment he arrives and knocks."

and Matthew 25:13
"So you, too, must keep watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return."
When I read those scriptures they create this urgency in my heart to do something more than I am doing right now...and to be revisiting my intentions for the things in my life.
These scriptures...God's truth and instruction...are telling us we must be ready for His return. Our hearts need to be in a right place...I find myself so tender to that thought and the next minute being grumpy and selfish...worrying about what I am wearing or if my hair looks okay...or if someone likes me or not...I know those are normal life things...but I don't want to be so focused on those things that I am forgetting that God wants me to have a clean heart and a thought life that is pure and lovely.
These scriptures are telling us that our daily life must reflect eternity. I am learning that there are small details that don't always matter. What matters is love, gratitude, serving, giving, being selfless, and sharing who God is to others.
On Friday I had a lot of dental work done as a gift from a gracious and wonderful dentist in town. Before the appointment they prescribed a Valium because I was so nervous. I NEVER take anything...and then during the appointment I was given gas (not the technical name!) and then a few hours following the appointment I took a prescribed pain medication...ok... I NEVER take medication except ibuprofen...about two hours later I was having severe chest pains and I felt like I couldn't was not stopping...and finally my most amazing 20 year old daughter called 911 and the paramedics ended up taking me to the hospital. Apparently my body does not like medication! After a few hours there and many tests later, I came home and feel much much better. I am only telling this story because these scriptures were resonating in my heart and as I was feeling panicked about what was happening to me...I realized that at any moment I need to be READY...I need to get ready...and that is by serving God in a selfless and humble way. By constantly seeking God in what I do and teaching my kids who He is...and who we are in Him.
I am just wanting to encourage any one who reads this to soak up God's Word and keep seeking His direction. We must be ready for His return...every day.
On a different thought....
I am going to ask a favor of you all....I am trying to write a simple mission statement for my newly formed non profit What Is Beautiful? And so far I have a rough statement...and I need some help refining the words. I am going to write it out below and if you can help me refine it I would be sooooo happy! Just leave a comment and let me know what you think....
What Is Beautiful? is devoted to provide encouragement and education to girls and women toward a healthy body image and self worth and toward a positive sense of value and identity.
Okay...I know that sounds so rough but for some reason I can't get what I want to say in to a sentence or two that sounds right to me....
Thank you for your help.
Okay I am off to tired...
Love, Teresa

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