Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I love words.

Words fill the pages of my favorite book. These words are called Truth, the Word, God's Word, life.

Words form out of the clicking of black keyboard keys. Words that tell of what God has done for me...Words that pour out of my heart.

Words find their way on my walls. Letters made out of wood that spell the things I need to read. Words on framed pictures that remind me of who God is. Words that I read throughout the day and remind me to LOVE or to have PEACE or to have JOY. Words that say BELIEVE or FAMILY. Words that come together to create the Truth...

Tonight a camera stared at me. The words that usually so easily flow from my mouth stumbled awkwardly off my tongue. I struggled to tell my story even though it was my own story. The camera seemed to steal my words. My story...your story...they are made up of words....words that tell of pain and hurt, disappointments and traumas, fear and shame, joy and peace.

Tonight a friend listened to my testimony...God's testimony...and used his film making skills to record my words...his wife listened in and helped me find my words. Tears flowed so hard that I couldn't get the words to come out to make any sense. My film making friend....was so patient. His words were kind. His wife's words were comforting. Words. I wanted to sound so charismatic...but I can't really remember the words I said.

Why do words sometimes just flow and other times they just stumble?

My word for this year is GIVE. It is the word my family has all agreed on. We will give. Give of our time, our talents, love, resources. Our first commitment is to make soup and bread for one family each week. 52 weeks. Soup 52 times. Our first pot of soup is Mexican Chicken Soup. We prayed about who to give it to and we all agreed. We can't wait to GIVE. Our word...our family word.

Words...they define things...feelings....hopes and dreams.

God used words to give us His truth. God gave words to show us his love. God used words to make sure we would never forget what He did or what He planned or who we are. God's words give LIFE.

Do you have a word or words that are in your heart today or for the year to come? Leave me a comment and let me know.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. It's a great reminder.
    I WILL.
    I will live. I will change. I will move.
    Not, "TRY," but "WILL."
    In God's power, I WILL do all He has called me to this year.
