Thursday, June 2, 2011

Compassion International

It has been a while...but I am back :).

This weekend I am presenting Compassion International to my church and asking people to sponsor some sweet kids from around the world. My family sponsors the cutest 5 year girl named Damaris. Praying for her and her family daily has been a pure privilege and taught me how blessed I am to be able to do something for her.

This morning as I was peering in to God's Word I read Romans 10:14-15 "But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them with out being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, 'How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!'"

When a child is sponsored they are able to go to the Compassion children's center in their community. They get medical treatment, food, learn how to brush their teeth, and have basic needs met. They also most importantly hear the Word of God and how much He loves them. They might not hear that if they were not sponsored. And just think....they hear...they believe...they share with their family...they believe...the family tells their neighbors...they believe...whole villages are saved and place their trust and faith in Jesus...because one child was sponsored. What an amazing gift.

Go to for more information. You can sponsor a child right there on the website. You will get to write letters to your child and send them words of love and encouragement. Some never get that. Listen to the videos on the will see the great impact sponsors have had on the children.

Today I have fasted for part of the day (so far) to feel the hunger pains that many children around the world feel. And I know that it isn't the best choice for me as some one who has had a background of an eating disorder...but I have prayed for God's covering for today. I have felt those pains before but wanted to feel them...I didn't want to eat. And how sad is that when others are dying because they can't get enough food. I wouldn't eat. But today as I felt them, God showed me that even though I felt them...and I was able to feel what a child might be feeling...I knew that in a second I could grab something...almost anything in any amount to eat and take that hunger pain away. The child can't do that. The pain stays there as a reminder that they lack a basic need. Being a sponsor will help that child to not have to be in this desperate situation. And we are also able to pray for their families asking for provision. Each night my kids pray that Damaris will have clean water and enough food to eat. And I pray that her dad will always have enough work.

I encourage you to consider being a sponsor.

It is worth it.

And you may be the only one who was able to tell them about Jesus.

Have a great day.
Love and Blessings,

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