Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Mish Mash of thoughts

I am not sure if mish mash is even a saying but it sounded good...and was the only word to describe my thoughts right now...all blending together!

Last night at my home group I had conversations with a few different people about eating "better" and taking care of themselves. They were asking me questions and asking me to help them. Kind of interesting how God works...He put me in the place to help people learn how to eat healthy. I know they could not have asked me if they did not sense that I was not only becoming healthy in my spiritual life, but also healthy in my body. God uses our hardships and our trials for good.

When I came home from our bible study, I had to humble myself and realize that God wants to use the knowledge I have gained through working with a dietitian, doctors, studying the word, and recovery from an eating disorder. I know I am not an expert and I can't be the only source for them to utilize, but I can offer biblical and practical tips and encouragement to taking better care of our temples.

Before I went to the home group, my daughter and I were driving and she asked me how does the speedometer know how fast we are going? And then she said, she thinks it is interesting how we just accept how things work even when we count on them to do something big for us. That got us on the topic of our bodies. That God gives us this temple, it works in such an amazing way, and we just rely on it to work right. We don't know how it does it, but it just does! But then we put things in to our bodies (or withhold good things), medicines, beverages, for example...and we don't think about what happens once they enter our bodies. We just hope it keeps working. Just like the speedometer in the car.

So I am wondering what direction God is moving me in with all of this. I am asking for prayer, because lately I have been feeling unorganized and out of what I feel equipped to do. I am not sure how to use all of the things going on in my heart and to discern the next move. I know that God will show me. I trust God is putting things in my place. But my flesh definitely doesn't know how to wait!

Three things that are strong on my heart....
1. Understanding who we are in Christ and not allowing the world and/or our past define us.
2. Taking care of our temples.
3. Freedom from our past and moving forward with God. thoughts are going from here to there and not knowing what to do with the fire in my heart.

Have a fabulous day....taking care of your temple, remembering you are an amazing child of God, and understanding that your past does not define you!

Love, Teresa

1 comment:

  1. Yes we go through our own trials to be of help for those going through them too. That is why we are still here when we get saved, to help and be Jesus to others. Thank you for reminding that our past does not define us!
