This week I was reminded once again that God cares about each of us and hears our prayers specifically. I think sometimes we (or at least I sometimes do) have a hard time believing...having faith...that God listens to us and will actually answer our prayers. We have a hard time believing the very scriptures we are reading, memorizing, studying, and even talking to others about.
Last week I cried out to God for some income. I have been, as many others, under financial stress. I wondered what I was going to do...I prayed to be able to substitute everyday this week. When subbing you are really at the mercy of others...teachers asking you to sub directly or checking the sub online website just at the right time to see if there are any open jobs, or getting that 6 am morning call from the sub desk. I had picked up a job for Wed but that was all I had scheduled. And then last week I was walking out of Jack's school and the secretary asked me if I could sub on Monday and a half day on Tues...of course I said yes! That was three days taken. And then Tuesday evening I got a call and was asked by a teacher to sub for her on Thursday....of course I said yes. I only had Friday to go, but I could only work the morning because I had scheduled a mtg for later that afternoon. This morning as I was getting ready to go, I prayed that I would get a half day morning job offer for Friday. While I was subbing this morning, my teacher friend came in and asked me if I was available for Friday, but just the morning shift! I told her what I had prayed for and we both got to rejoice in God's faithfulness! God heard my cry for help, and was faithful to bring the jobs to me this week.
And here is another..Wed morning, I had to take my daughter to the eye doctor and then was heading to the school to sub for the afternoon. I was thinking about how great Starbucks sounded at the moment, but said out loud that I better not. I couldn't justify buying coffee when I needed to money for I kept driving and got to the school. Later that afternoon, I got a call from my neighbor. He is a fireman and was working his 24 hour shift. He had a package delivered to his house that day but was not going to be home to get it until morning so he asked me if I could get it off his porch so it didn't get taken. I had done the same thing last week for him. So today when he picked it up from me, guess what he brought me...a Starbucks card! I got my Starbucks anyway...because I was faithful to pass it up when I needed to use good judgement with my money.
The reason I am writing about these situations is to give you hope if you are feeling as though God is not hearing you. But we also have to remember that God's timing is not our timing. God could have just given me all the jobs in one day, but He gave me them as He gave manna to the Israelites...daily and just enough for the day. And He threw in a Starbucks card as a sweet treat!
This week there has been a list of timely interventions and reminders that God is always there: I have been worrying about writing my book and some magazine articles...and God just poured page after page in to me this week. This morning God had me reading a specific scripture over and over and then tonight the same scripture was the main topic of the devotion I chose to read. I got to listen to a great sermon from a friend in Alaska...which totally humbled me. That is just a few of the small ways God has woven His love in to my week.
I think that this week I was open to notice.
He is always there...we just get caught up in life and don't take the time to notice.
Sometimes we only think the BIG things are the times He is there and "coming through" for us.
We want the big bang up testimony giving things happening kind of God moments, when in fact God is in the details. God is in the moment. God is there walking beside us, listening, knowing when and where our prayers will be answered.
Do we need to stop and notice that He was there today? Do we just need to just know that He was there, even when we are about to fall asleep at the end of the day and we just can find one bit of evidence that He was there? He was...He is...and He will be...every day...every minute...every second...every breath we take...He is there. We may never know until we reach He navigated us through the day...working out details that we will never notice..making sure we were safe and protected and provided for.
God is in the details of our life...
In love....Teresa
I'm encouraged, as always, hearing your heart. Thank you for sharing these "God Moments."
ReplyDeleteThere are times when it feels like He is not in the details, but I need to constantly stay surrounded by testimonies and people that remind us He so is!!!!! Thanks for sharing this great victory!!
ReplyDeleteLove you.