Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There Is Hope

I am continuing with the theme of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.

I have been in deep thought and prayer over this topic this week. I read some facts that made me want to weep. I am going to write them...and they may seem sad and depressing, but I am going to write them and then my intention is to show HOPE...because there it HOPE. According to the Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy, & Action, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. About 20% of all people with eating disorders will eventually die as the result of their illness. In those who suffer from anorexia, the numbers may be even higher. One third of all patients will recover after an initial episode, 1/3 will experience a relapse, and 1/3 will suffer from chronic deterioration and multiple re-hospitalizations.

There are alot of people with eating disorders not recovering. There are alot of people battling that will recover for a while but relapse and have to battle again. Some will die. Some bodies will be damaged.

That does sound depressing....it sounds sad, overwhelming and dark.

But God...

But God...

But God...

But God says that He will bring healing when we seek it. But God says He loves us and wants us to walk in His ways. But God forgives us and values us all the time. But God is a God who saves and brings light to the darkness and truth that outweighs the lies.

I know...I know...I know...because God was the ONLY thing that saved me and allowed me to be set free.

I believe the main reasons for this low recovery rate are: God is not part of the recovery equation, lack of self worth and value (that if not found in God cannot be found with in ourselves), unforgiveness toward self, and not being able to hand this over to a God who loves unconditionally.

Another factor is our world shouts out at us from every direction that we are not good enough. We can read our devotions in the morning feeling great about who we are and then walk out of our door and in to our world and be washed over by constant lies. That isn't fair. That is hard.

But God...I have to go back to God's truth...His Word. I personally have found that I can't stay in the battle of my eating disorder because I believe that God's Word is true...and if it is true then I am His masterpiece, knitted perfectly in my mother's womb by a loving father who chose me to be exactly the way that I am. He says that He will fight my battles...I don't have to do it...He does it for me. I get to release the fight and be still and allow God to fight it for me. He sent His son to die for ME...seriously...did his death mean nothing to me...

We are so valuable. We have to believe each word God says about us in the Word because it is truth and the rest are lies. We have to have hope to recover and know we are worthy to recover and be healthy.

God's Word holds so much hope and life...I just pray that anyone in a battle...any kind of battle will seek God's Word in order to combat the lies being whispered or spoken.

I am so grateful that I got to suffer so that now I can encourage others to have HOPE...to know that God does save...and God does love...and God does value us...and though Him we have worth.

I pray for all people battling eating disorders or any type of storm right now...for renewed hope..for the Word of God to breathe on them like a fresh breeze on a summer day...that it will lift their spirits and give them strength. Lord, we come to you with heavy hearts, knowing that you want us to pour out everything to you and trust that you will fight our battles...Lord, I pray that tonight the lies will quiet, that the world around us will quiet...and we will hear you, feel you, and see you. We are grateful Lord that you will use our struggles for good and we can't wait to see the fruit of our perseverance. Amen.

God is good...

Love, Teresa (I am not sure if I brought hope...I got a little preachy there...but I just am so passionate right now about all of this!)


  1. I think you are right about the recovery rate being so low because God is not in it. Your message and testimony is so important. I pray you just rest assured in the HOPE that only He can bring.
    Love you
