"Always remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you from your slavery. That is why I have given you this command." Deut. 28:14
Megan (my oldest) and I do not have dental insurance. Megan was is in need of going to the dentist and I was feeling so unworthy as a mother to not be able to get her there and pay for her visit. In January Megan got a terrible tooth ache. I called a dentist in town that I had known about because many people I know had gone there. As soon as I called I realized two people that I knew worked there (we live in a small town). I asked how much an office visit and an xray would cost. $76 dollars. We could do that. I made an appointment.
Diagnosis: Megan needed a root canal in the worse way! Approx cost $980. OUCH!
The dental office...soon to find out is full of loving Christian workers...told us about a free day clinic they had coming up in March. They couldn't do the root canal but they could get her crown fitting done for free and work with the lab to see about getting the cost down on the crown. YEAH.
As we were leaving the office....and I was getting my check out to pay...the receptionist said the dentist told her not to charge me. CRYING...JOY....GRATEFULNESS.
We got a loan for the root canal...DONE.
Free day...crown fitting...FREE. And can you even imagine our immense surprise when they told us the lab had agreed to do the entire crown for FREE....Did you get that??? FREE...that is a job that is worth over $900...MORE CRYING....JOY...GRATEFULNESS.
Seriously...this is not the end. On the free day they asked me if I would like to come in and get a full set of Xrays for free....let me tell you...15 years...no dentist...eating disorder...not a good site to see. I said okay...but I cried the whole time they were looking in my mouth...I needed work done...they are doing it in two sessions....FREE....
Seriously...this is NOT the end again. When we were in there...We found out that Megan's bottom wisdom teeth are coming in sideways. She has a small mouth and they are pushing on her other teeth and chipping away at her bone....they could not do that kind of work at this office. They quoted us around $1,000 PER TOOTH. They gave us some names to call. A few days later Megan gets a call from the dental office. They had made an appointment for her with an oral surgeon they knew to see what he could do for her and give us an estimate.
Meg comes home...get this...they are doing it for FREE...tomorrow...$1550. MORE INTENSE CRYING.
I am not sure what else to say...why would God want to bless us so immensely...I don't know...but I can't express in words how my heart is swelling with gratefulness right now as I even try to conceive what is happening.
And last week I complained about my life...even after I knew about this...I complained about what is on my plate...about how unequipped I felt...about the overwhelming feelings I was having about not being able to provide for my family or be the mom my kids needed. I complained and worried and feared and felt paralyzed....even though I had seen the Red Sea parted...manna being thrown at my feet...the very love of God poured down on my family.
"ALWAYS REMEMBER that you were slaves in Egypt and the Lord your God redeemed you from slavery. That is why I have given you this command." Deut. 24:18 (emphasis mine)
Did I forget all that God had done for me? Did I forget that He provides? Did I forget that God saw to it that we were taken care of? did I forget that God never leaves me and loves me and my family?
Oh Lord, please forgive me for my complaining and forgetful heart....I pray that I will never forget the manna that you rained down on my family when I couldn't provide for it on my own.
Let me ALWAYS REMEMBER whose I am and who loves me in such an amazing, humbling way...
Always Remember.
In love, Teresa
Incredible. INCREDIBLE!!!
Teresa - I am deeply touched, encouraged and challenged by your post. Praise God for his grace and mercy!
ReplyDeleteThank you Diane. God is good all of the time...no matter what is going on. I am so encouraged each day by the details that He takes care of. In fact I am humbled to tears by it!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! I too am a single parent with a daughter named Megan :) There have been so many times that God has blessed me when I had no idea where help was coming from. I do not deserve all that He does for me...it is amazing just knowing that He loves us and will keep us in the shelter of His arms.