"And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 NLT
In my NLT dictionary in the back of my bible the definition of truth is "the propriety (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality (natural and spiritual), sincerity in action, character, and utterance." And as I researched other dictionaries the common thread for the definition of truth had to do with facts.
I listened to lies for many years. I believed lies for many years.
As I begun to be free of the lies and learned the truth, my world is becoming
Lies steal time. Lies steal health. Lies steal relationships. Lies take our eyes off of our calling and the use of our gifts. Lies kill our spirit.
Lies are all around us...the world throws them at us as if we are in a dodge ball game, trying desperately not to get hit....and then from out of no where one hits us so hard it knocks us off of our feet. It knocks the wind out of us. It is hard to recover and get our focus....it hurts...it disorients us.
Sometimes lies are like the sweetness of candy...they sound good, they taste good, they look good...they seem harmless. But indulging in candy can lead to tooth decay, cavities, stomach aches, weight gain, and fatigue. It also leads us to wanting more candy...because candy---sugar---can bring a temporary burst of energy....a temporary high....a sigh of relief from the taste. (I am not saying candy and sugar are sinful or lies...just using it as an example). We want to believe that the lies are the truth.
The media throws us lies. A friend can throw us a lie. Family members can lie. We lie. Someone we don't know can lie to us. Things lie to us. Money lies to us.
SATAN lies.
Satan uses all of those avenues to lie to us. This morning I was thinking about how technology makes those lies come at us so much faster...email, facebook, advertisements, music, movies, books....Satan is happily looking at our technical world and rubbing his hand together in pure joy that he has so much more access to us.
Truth is on my mind.
Truth is in my heart.
I have been angry this past week about truth not being told. And God is giving me a lesson on truth, judgement, and His place not mine in all of this.
So truth will be the thread of my writing this week...and maybe longer....
Today I challenge you to look at the lies that you may have been believing. Ask God to reveal them to you. Write them down. And go find the truth in the Word. If you are willing to write them in the comments....that would be great! If you can't find truth...but only see the lie...write it down anyway and let's pray about it. We want to get the lies revealed so that the
I know I just threw some things out there today...not any real answers...but some ideas to think about. And we will examine the TRUTH and LIES over the next while.
Lies bind us in chains. They hold us hostage.
Truth unlocks the chains. They set us free to walk on the path God lays out for us.
Truth is GOD.
Truth is the WORD.
Truth is LOVE.
Love, Teresa
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