Thursday, October 7, 2010


A teacher....stands in front of the class...

The teacher tells their students what they are going to say or do to get their attention.

The teacher might ring a bell, clap three times, say "active listening please"...whatever they decide...the signal is in place.

The students know it.

The students hear it.

At first they hear it and respond right away. They keep the attention of the teacher.

The rules...when they hear the attention signal...they stop what they are doing...eyes on the speaker...and listen.

They do it...for a while...
And then they hear the sound...look up for a second...and then they go right back to what they were doing.

They forget the keep their eyes on the speaker. To listen.

They look up.
For a minute.

They look back down all too quick.
They forget.
Or they just want to keep doing what they want instead of what the teacher wants.

They don't want to be interuppted.

They don't want to do what is asked.

They want to keep on with their own agenda.

Not the agenda of the teacher.

The teacher...who really wants their attention...tries the signal again.

They look up...for a minute...maybe for a few more minutes this time....the teacher seems urgent this time...

The student looks back down...they tune the teacher out.

The teacher tries again...and this time...has to keep talking...has to keep giving intruction...even if the student isn't listening...the teacher wants to teach...wants to give instruction...wants the student to learn and get excited about the lesson.

Are we listening to our Teacher...

or do we listen for a minute and look back down.

Are our eyes on Jesus...or do we look for a minute and look back down to our own agenda.

Are we good listeners for a while, but get distracted by our own needs and our own desires and then go on with our own agenda instead of that of our Teacher...our God...our Instructor.

God wants us to keep our attention on to Him.

Are you hearing His signal...His truth...His Word...His quiet (or loud) voice...His tap on your shoulder...His loving arm guiding...

Are you keeping your attention on the Speaker?
Have you ever been on fire for God's direction...His love...His instruction...for a while and then fall right back in to your old ways?

I have.
Many times.
Too many times...
God says do this...I do...for a while...then I fall back in to the comfortable.

God showed me this...He reminded me of teaching those Kindergarten they listened for a minute and then went back to their own agenda..He showed me my frustration with their behavior...He showed me ME...

Lord, I come to you...humbled and full of praise for your love and instruction...I ask for forgiveness and seek to never take my eyes off of You.

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