Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The snow fell from the sky and drifted softly to our yard, eventually covering it in white beauty. When stepping outside to admire the stark white powder covering the ground I notice the quietness in the air. Even though the snow is coming down with out stopping it is quiet and calm. The snow becomes thick and deep. It is cold outside; almost too cold to enjoy. The news calls it a winter snow storm. Storm. In the midst of beauty. In the midst of the quiet. There is a storm. Many people can't leave their house. Those that do venture out risk the dangers of driving in the snow and ice. Storm. In one day our town became covered in snow. In one day the storm took over. There were warnings on the news. There usually is a warning. A storm warning. Storms in our lives come usually pouring down on us and keep us stuck in one place. We wonder when it will end...when the snow will melt away so we can move. Before the storm we stocked the fridge and cupboads. Before a storm in our life we stock our minds with the Word. We fill our hearts with the knowledge of Jesus. We fuel our fires with prayer and thanksgiving. When a storm comes we wonder when it will leave, but we can be fully prepared by knowing who our God is. The storm seems like it will never end.During the storm there can be a quiet calm found in the arms of our God. We have played every game on our shelves, cleaned every room, watched every movie, and read for hours. We want to drive our car or go some where. We are ready for the snow to melt and the storm to be over. The storm comes and we keep our eyes on how we want to be over. Can we find our God in the middle of the storm? The forecast calls for rain. It is going to warm up. We go to sleep and the snow is there...covering the earth. We sleep and rest. When we awake the rain has come and it has washed away most of the snow. The slush lays on the road and still makes it hard to drive. But it is more manageable. The storm is almost over. The end is near. We have to be able to have faith that there is an end to the storm while we are still in it. We have to trust that in the midst of the snow falling that we will get through it. Storms. They can suprise us. They can stall us. They can paralyze us. But there is an end. The streets will clear up. We can make down the street. God will bring us through. Stock your heart with the Word and remember His promises as the storm rains down. It comes in and it will go away. There is much to learn through the storm. Stand firm on the Word of God, the promises of God, the strength of God. Every answer is right there in the Bible. Every answer. Every hope. Every promise.

If you need prayer through a storm, leave a comment and I WILL pray for you.


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