The Superbowl.
The two best football teams playing against each other.
People gather to watch a game that has been played for years.
The anticiptipation.
The commercials....people wait for them. Companies pay big money to have their products played across the airwaves during this big game.
But watch with caution. What is suppose to be big...funny...over the top...comes with a price. That price is the dignity of how we view women. Girls that are "hot"...low shirts, clevage, short skirts, inappropriate intentions...someone described them as "eye candy". Watch with caution. Is this really how we want to be represented?
Some people may think I am being extreme...but watching these commericals we are supporting this attitude toward women. Are we suppose to strive to be "hot" or "sexy"? Do we have to be attractive by wearing clothes that barely cover us?
I don't have the answers. But my heart breaks each time I see how the media is displaying women not just in commercials, but in movies and adverstisements.
There are girls....women...who want to be accepted and loved....they strive to look like the ideal woman that the media has said is acceptable...they are starving, chasing unattainable goals, dressing with out respect to themselves, seeking the opposite sex to notice them.
Tonight I got a little angry. I have to admit. My daughter showed me a facebook page from a girl who is falling...hurting...searching...heading for destruction. I have sat in a treatment center for eating disorders and heard the stories of girls fighting to "look perfect". I hear people feel that if they gain 1 pound they think they may not be acceptable. I have been there. I don't want to stand back and just watch it happen. I am processing my frustration as I write.
Watch the superbowl commericals with caution. Maybe even turn the commericails off. Pray for the media. Pray for our girls and women.
Our beauty comes from our hearts. Can we really believe this? We have to. "People judge by outside appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 We have to beleive it because God declares it.
Challenge: (from When you are complimenting this not mention appearance, but compliment on their attitude and who they are as a person. Tell them they are beautiful because they are kind or giving or a great friend.
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