Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't Compromise

Do not compromise when you are being pushed from behind to do something you know is wrong.

Tonight I did my grocery shopping. I do one big shopping trip each month and then supplement with more fresh fruits and vegetables each week. I go by myself. My kids stay home so I am able to concentrate and focus on what I really need to get. My kids prefer to stay home anyway!

On my way home I was driving on the highway that takes me to my house. The speed limit is 55 miles per hour. I was going 55. The person behind me wanted to go faster. I only knew that because he was driving very close to me. I was tempted to drive faster the whole way home. I was tempted to not allow him to think I was a slow poke. But I didn't. I didn't because as I kept watching him in my rear view mirror I heard "don't compromise when you are being pushed from behind to do something you know is wrong". Some people may question me when I say I know that was a message from my loving God, not just for this moment but for moments to come, but I know that it was...I heard it in my thoughts and I heard it in my heart.

It is so important to know what you stand for and not to compromise your integrity. We often will drive to fast only because we are keeping up with the traffic and we may not even know we are doing it. But we need to be aware if we are just "keeping up with the traffic" in our lives.

It is important to know that when someone is behind us whispering in our ear to do something we know is wrong that we aren't going to compromise. We need to know that when someone says go here or do this and we know it is not the right thing, that we can take a stand and drive the speed limit.

Know what you stand for before any thing comes up. Make a decision today of who you are and what you want your life to look like. Create a purpose statement. When you write down your purpose you can check your decisions against it to see if you are matching up with the standards you set for yourself.

We have a family purpose statement. We are able to check our choices and decisions to our purpose statement to see if we are standing by what we want our life to look like.

Don't let someone come up behind you and talk you in to doing something you don't want to do just to fit in with the crowd, be popular, or blend in. You are worth more than that.

Do not compromise when you are being pushed from behind to do something you know is wrong.

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