Friday, November 30, 2012

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

In the midst of trials and life and mountains to climb and in times when things seem to be easy and abundant and even when hearts ache and confusion swirls around my heart sometimes travels to a destination that does not bring peace where do we turn?  My mind becomes full of what ifs, fears, procrastination, regret, and disappointment.  My eyes focus on me.  They focus on my problems, my lack, my  I become the focus of my life.  Then days waste away and my heart becomes weakened.  This is not God's desire for anyone. 

And then God reminds me of where to look.  How can we focus on God's plan for us when our eyes are deterred? 

I have sat many days and evenings sinking in the mire of the heaviness of life.  I can't pay the bills.  I want to give my kids more.  I don't want Christmas to come because there is not enough money for presents.  The can'ts and won'ts and not enough blanket the future...cover the light and bring fear and condemnation...a feeling of hopelessness.  But those are not our God's ways those are the enemy's ways.  They take our eyes off of Jesus and hope and peace and on to what brings despair and depression. 

I am convinced that God's message to all of us right now is to Keep Our Eyes on Jesus.  I had a dream a month or so ago.  At the beginning of my dream all I could see was my face and the face of Mother Teresa.  Our faces were very close, looking directly into each others eyes.  She lifted her hand to my eye and said to me "keep your eyes on Jesus".  I woke up fully aware of this moment as if it had just if her hand had just touched my face.  And in these trials and times of uncertainity, I am brought back to this dream and this word from God. Keep your eyes on Jesus.  God knows my future...our future...He knows we need the reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus.   That in the midst of it all we forget where our eyes should be...and they turn to ourselves and all hope seems lost.  But the minute our eyes are on Him, we see a glimmer of light...we notice a friend who needs encouragement...we see a person with a need and can fill it...we take a step forward...and our path is lit.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith."  Hebrews 12: 1-2

I pray that as you go through your day you will be reminded to keep your eyes on Jesus and see what your eyes notice.


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