In the post I talked about letting go of some of my possessions in order to earn some money to pay my bills. God often asks us to let go in order for us to be open to Him, to be free of material stuff in order to be free to serve Him.
This month the Lord has asked me to give so that I can receive more from Him...not material things...but His love, His plan, His purpose...more of Him. When our hands are grasped around things, then they are often closed to Him.
Something that the Lord asked me to give up was a group of Willow Tree angels that I loved. I talked about them in the post above. When I looked at them, they represented hope, healing, courage, and wisdom. But God reminded me as He asked me to give them up, that He represented those elements. He was the only source of traits. He is my healer. He is the source of my courage. He is the place I go to for wisdom.
I remember the day after I sold my things. I didn't miss any of them, except my angels. It took me a few days to really understand what God was teaching me. I cried. I was sad. I missed them.
I told my sister Leah about having to sell some of my material things...and that I was sad, but knew that it was just "stuff". I worked hard to understand that. She replied to me that her mother-in-law once told her "If God provided it once, he can do it again."
So I thanked God for all I had and decided to trust. As the week went on I realized that the things I let go of did not define me. Every time I saw the empty spaces of what I let go of I was reminded of how big our God is. I was reminded that I will trust Him and He promises to always be with me. I was reminded that as I let go, I made room for what I was suppose to be focus on...Jesus.
One night about a month ago I had a very short dream. As soon as I opened my eyes I knew that God had a message for me. I dreamt that I was standing in front of Mother Teresa. It was just her face and mine. She looked me right in the eye, raised her hand to my eyes and said "keep your eyes on Jesus". That was the end of my dream. Every day the Lord reminds me of this dream. And as I let go, He reminded me again..."Keep your eyes on Jesus". And my eyes readjust and I trust Him.
And God provided.
This week in the mail I received some boxes and in them were these precious items:
My sweet and generous friend sent me new angels. God provided once and He did it again.
I let go.
And was open to God. I kept my eyes on Jesus.
He cares about the details of our lives.
He wants us to trust Him with everything, knowing that He hears all of what we want, need, hope for. He gives us what He knows we need and throws in a treat now and then.
Thank you Becky. You are a true angel.
Your gift meant so much to me.
I still am in awe of how much God cares about each of us.
God is so good!! As I sent them, I prayed that God would fill you with a sense of His goodness and remind you that He cares for all the "big things" in our lives, as well that He wants to give us special "goodies" sometimes too!!! You are an angel to me as well!!!