Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Watch with Caution

The Superbowl.

The two best football teams playing against each other.

People gather to watch a game that has been played for years.

The anticiptipation.

The commercials....people wait for them. Companies pay big money to have their products played across the airwaves during this big game.

But watch with caution. What is suppose to be big...funny...over the top...comes with a price. That price is the dignity of how we view women. Girls that are "hot"...low shirts, clevage, short skirts, inappropriate intentions...someone described them as "eye candy". Watch with caution. Is this really how we want to be represented?

Some people may think I am being extreme...but watching these commericals we are supporting this attitude toward women. Are we suppose to strive to be "hot" or "sexy"? Do we have to be attractive by wearing clothes that barely cover us?

I don't have the answers. But my heart breaks each time I see how the media is displaying women not just in commercials, but in movies and adverstisements.

There are girls....women...who want to be accepted and loved....they strive to look like the ideal woman that the media has said is acceptable...they are starving, chasing unattainable goals, dressing with out respect to themselves, seeking the opposite sex to notice them.

Tonight I got a little angry. I have to admit. My daughter showed me a facebook page from a girl who is falling...hurting...searching...heading for destruction. I have sat in a treatment center for eating disorders and heard the stories of girls fighting to "look perfect". I hear people feel that if they gain 1 pound they think they may not be acceptable. I have been there. I don't want to stand back and just watch it happen. I am processing my frustration as I write.

Watch the superbowl commericals with caution. Maybe even turn the commericails off. Pray for the media. Pray for our girls and women.

Our beauty comes from our hearts. Can we really believe this? We have to. "People judge by outside appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 We have to beleive it because God declares it.

Challenge: (from When you are complimenting this not mention appearance, but compliment on their attitude and who they are as a person. Tell them they are beautiful because they are kind or giving or a great friend.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The snow fell from the sky and drifted softly to our yard, eventually covering it in white beauty. When stepping outside to admire the stark white powder covering the ground I notice the quietness in the air. Even though the snow is coming down with out stopping it is quiet and calm. The snow becomes thick and deep. It is cold outside; almost too cold to enjoy. The news calls it a winter snow storm. Storm. In the midst of beauty. In the midst of the quiet. There is a storm. Many people can't leave their house. Those that do venture out risk the dangers of driving in the snow and ice. Storm. In one day our town became covered in snow. In one day the storm took over. There were warnings on the news. There usually is a warning. A storm warning. Storms in our lives come usually pouring down on us and keep us stuck in one place. We wonder when it will end...when the snow will melt away so we can move. Before the storm we stocked the fridge and cupboads. Before a storm in our life we stock our minds with the Word. We fill our hearts with the knowledge of Jesus. We fuel our fires with prayer and thanksgiving. When a storm comes we wonder when it will leave, but we can be fully prepared by knowing who our God is. The storm seems like it will never end.During the storm there can be a quiet calm found in the arms of our God. We have played every game on our shelves, cleaned every room, watched every movie, and read for hours. We want to drive our car or go some where. We are ready for the snow to melt and the storm to be over. The storm comes and we keep our eyes on how we want to be over. Can we find our God in the middle of the storm? The forecast calls for rain. It is going to warm up. We go to sleep and the snow is there...covering the earth. We sleep and rest. When we awake the rain has come and it has washed away most of the snow. The slush lays on the road and still makes it hard to drive. But it is more manageable. The storm is almost over. The end is near. We have to be able to have faith that there is an end to the storm while we are still in it. We have to trust that in the midst of the snow falling that we will get through it. Storms. They can suprise us. They can stall us. They can paralyze us. But there is an end. The streets will clear up. We can make down the street. God will bring us through. Stock your heart with the Word and remember His promises as the storm rains down. It comes in and it will go away. There is much to learn through the storm. Stand firm on the Word of God, the promises of God, the strength of God. Every answer is right there in the Bible. Every answer. Every hope. Every promise.

If you need prayer through a storm, leave a comment and I WILL pray for you.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Be a Blessing

There is so much on my heart I am not sure where to start!

Today as I was washing dishes on this Saturday morning, the Lord opened up my heart to those who are hurting and lost and feeling as if there is no hope or way out of what ever situation they are in right now. I look around me and I see so much. I am not sure if the Lord gives me glimpses so that I can walk with more gratitude or what. There is so much hope that we can share...we serve a God of hope.

On Thursday I went to Win Co which is a grocery store about 20 minutes from my house. Everything is less expensive than most other stores close by. Customers bag their own groceries which I actually love. I wanted to get stocked up in case it snowed. I don't drive in the snow mostly because I am scared! The only reason I could go grocery shopping like this is because I began to receive food stamps this week. I felt so blessed to get what we needed and know my family could have choices and enough to make meals for a while. So grateful. As I was driving out of the store parking lot I began to calculate how the rest of the month would work. This month I didn't get the full amount on my food card so I was careful to plan a few weeks of meals out. I knew I would still need to get milk, bread and fresh fruit and vegetables later in the month. The rest I had. So I ran through my plan as I pulled out of my parking space. I had a plan down to the last detail. But God...he likes to interrupt our plans!

In the same parking lot there is a Starbucks. I had a gift card that I received from a Christmas gift. I decided to drive through and treat myself to a coffee for the ride home. As I was driving up to the Starbucks I looked over to my right and there was a man sitting on the ground with a dog. Next to him was a very old beat up bicycle with a sign attached asking for help. I drove past him and in to the drive thru for my coffee. My heart knew that I needed to get in to my groceries and give him some of the things I had just purchased. At first I was thinking of what I would be willing to part with. But in my heart I knew that God wanted me to give beyond what I was willing and give the things that I really wanted for myself. I know when something is from the Lord because the pull in my heart is so strong there is no getting around it.

After I got my coffee I pulled in to a parking space. I got out of the van and opened the back of the van. I began to pull a few things out... such as a box of crackers, apples, string cheese, oranges, water bottle. I knew he couldn't have too much or it might not last, but I wanted to give him healthy food. I put it in a bag, got back in my van and drove to where he was sitting. I rolled down my window and asked him if I could give him something. I asked him his dogs name (Jackson). I asked him if he would tell me his name so I could pray for him by name (Steve). I asked him if he had a place to go. He said "Oh yeah. I sleep in the woods behind Win Co. We do alright!". My heart broke in to a thousand pieces.

It is cold out. Snow weather. "We so alright." His spirit was so full of joy even though his circumstances were not.

He said I looked like Goldie Hawn's twin...which made me smile. I thanked him for being so kind and after we talked for a while I drove away. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I was driving home to kids waiting for me, to a warm house, to bags of groceries to fill up my cupboards, and a bed with warm covers to pull up to my chin. I had a washer and dryer to clean my clothes. I had a shower to clean up and feel refreshed.

I am not sure I am writing this so that we can remember how grateful we should be, but to share that God wants us to share His love with ALL of those we come in contact with. That God wants us to give up what we think is precious and it will be okay. That God wants us to take action and get our eyes off of our circumstances and look out in to our families, neighborhoods, cities, etc to see the needs of others.

I use to sit around and say I can't do anything...I don't have the resources. But that is a lie. God is our resource. Ask him what he wants you to do today to be His representative in the world around you.

One thing you can do is to fill up a Ziplock bag with the following items: granola bar, trail mix, toothbrush and toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, Kleenex, wipes, coins, hand and feet warmers, socks, dried fruit, packages of crackers, an encouraging note of hope, etc. Keep a few of these in your car. When you see someone holding a sign up hand it to them. Give them hope. Also keep a few pairs of gloves, a few scarves and hats in your car so that you can hand them out. This is something you can do today and be a blessing to someone.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Be Interrupted Today

This past week western Washington had crisp sunny winter days. No rain...we are known for our rain, but we really do have beautiful days like this week. The mountains are beautiful and the air feels fresh. Now that the leaves have fallen from most of the trees around our house we have what people call a peek-a-boo view of the water-which in reality means that we can barely see it from our window...but it is very pretty.

I did not work on Monday and was blessed with one of these beautiful winter days. The kids were thrilled to have me home and loved reading to me and sharing all they were learning that day in school. In the afternoon, when all the school work was done, I decided to take a walk around our neighborhood. I just needed a few minutes to refocus and spend some time with the Lord. I set out with my headphones in my ears listening to Kim Walker singing How He Loves Us. Love. This. Song.

My plan when I got home from my walk was to make dinner and start checking things off my to do list that I had written early but didn't seem to get to while working with the kids. I had big plans all day to "accomplish" great things! But my plans didn't go the way I thought. My walk was going to bridge the way to get me to "refocus".

I had only walked a few minutes when I passed a small dog on the sidewalk. I bent down to give it a quick pet and started back on my way with my fast pace. But I stopped. I heard this whisper saying that I had to turn around. That this dog wasn't where it was suppose to be. That I needed to help it. And I suddenly saw the dog not as a dog but a representation of something else. God's Plan...I saw this dog and pictured it as an orphan standing on the road just wishing someone would reach out and help it. I didn't want to stop. This was my time. I had an agenda. I had things to do when I was done. I had things to check off my list. I had dinner to make. I had a family to take care of. I didn't have time to be interrupted.

But the whisper to turn back was one I could not ignore. In our neighborhood there are many dogs, but every house has a fenced yard and unless someone is taking their dog for a walk on leash, dogs are not out of their yards. I turned around and knelt low to the ground calling the dog over to me. It was reluctant at first but soon timidly came to me. In fact the dog was shaking and scared. The dog had a collar but no tags. It was small enough that I could pick it up. I decided to knock on a few doors to see if they knew where it belonged. No one had seen it before. One resident told me she knew that within a range of homes that she pointed out that she knew that dog did not live in the area.

I did not want a dog.
I did not want to interrupt my night.
I wanted to just keep walking.

But that whisper said otherwise.

I carried the dog back up the hill to my house.

When I came in with the dog the kids were surprised. I told them the story and let them know I was taking it to the vet to see if it had a chip in it. We all got in the van and headed to the vet. No chip. Now what. I was suppose to start my dinner a while ago. Nothing was checked off my list.

We came home and created a lost dog flyer. We grabbed some tacks, the leash, the dog, and our was cold out by this time and starting to get dark.

We hung up the signs on the mailbox stations. We turned down one cul-de-sac, hung the sign, walked to the end, knocked on a door to see if it lived there but they had never seen it and started to walk back. We were half way back down and heard someone yelling "Paco". We turned around and saw that there was a lady on her porch. She had seen us and was calling for her dog. I called back and asked her if this was her dog. It took us a minute to get to her porch.

It was her dog. I told her what we had done. I mean...we had saved it...drove it to the vet...made signs and were walking it around the neighborhood knocking on doors...we had done a lot. She scooped him up, turned around, barely said a word, and started back in to her house. She said thank you as she shut her door. Madie looked at me and said she sure wasn't very appreciative. I was surprised that she was not more excited about someone taking the time to find the home for her dog. But at that moment the Lord reminded me that we do not do the right thing just to get rewarded or thanked. We do the right thing because it is the right thing. No other reason.

I learned that my time is not my own. My agenda gets to be interrupted. I do the right thing because that is what God calls me to do. There are many who need us to turn around and lend a hand, an ear, our hearts...and we must be ready to allow God to shift our agenda to fit his. We are not here on this earth to take care of ourselves only, but to love and care for God's people.

Dinner got made eventually. A few things got checked off my list. I spent time with my family while finding the dog's fact we talked more and learned more in that few hours of time then we may have if it hadn't happened.

Let God interrupt your day. Maybe it is spending time with a friend. Calling someone. Stopping and praying with that person on the street. Listening to your kids tell you the whole story. Returning that email. Making dinner for someone. Showing up for the even that means so much to them. Stop and turn around and hear the whisper of His voice. What does He want you to do today?


Friday, November 11, 2011

You are worthy, valuable and loved

I have been up for a few hours already. It is 5 am right now. Jack woke up with a bad dream and I just couldn't fall back to sleep. I decided to spend my time trying to be technical which only partially worked! I wish I knew how to update and organize my blog with gadgets and widgets...but I am after an hour of trying I have decided I just need to resort to asking for help! I did manage to set up a paypal account and add a donate button to my blog. That was quite an exciting moment for me. I am trying to add a Compassion International banner to my site but for some reason I don't know where to copy the information to make it show up. If you know what I am suppose to do...please help!! I so don't understand how to figure all of this out.

The Lord is teaching me some incredible things this year...this month...this week...this morning! I am just so humbled that I get to have such a beautiful relationship with our Father. It amazes me.

Through the past few years it has become evident to me that the enemy, the accuser, Satan...whatever name we give out to steal who God created us to be so that we will not be effective for the Kingdom. When we don't believe who God says we are, it is difficult to operate in our gifts and talents. God says that we are worthy. God says that we are valuable. God says that he loves us...that we are forgiven. Our job is to believe this and live in the knowledge of it. We most likely are not going to "feel" this way all the time, but we can not rely on our feelings when we are choosing to trust in the Lord. Our feelings can sometimes (okay a lot of the time) get in the way of believing who God says we are.

Last week the Lord gave me the insight that there are many people with mental impairments that are standing in the way of believing and operating fully in the love of God. I remember when I was in the midst of recovering from an eating disorder...which really was recovering from living in self hate, shame, guilt and fear...I could not believe that I was worthy of being healed or being free or allowing anyone or at that matter allowing God to love me. All I could see were the labels that I had attached to myself.

I had to shed those labels. At first I held on to them tight. I didn't want to let them go. The enemy fought to keep them in my life. But even before I could fully believe that I was who God says I am....I had to believe anyway. I had to repeat over and over...that I was loved, valuable, worthy, smart, beautiful. For so many years I had been telling myself the opposite and then making decision after decision that supported my terrible thoughts. For so many years I clung on to the events that labeled me ugly, bad, dirty, horrible, disgusting, stupid, unwanted, used, gross, unworthy...not only did I hold on to those labels I spoke those words to myself day after day, hour after hour. Of course I believed them. Those are the words that I spoke, that I believed, that I knew. That is who I was. No one could tell me different.

But God never gave up on me. He brought me to a place of complete desperation. He placed people in my life who spoke love and life in to me. And finally one day when I realized that everything I had done or had been done to me was taken care of at the Cross and that Jesus really did that for me...that I could lay it all down at His feet and leave it there. That I was stripped clean because His love covered me. His love cleaned me off. His love wrote truth in to my heart and finally in to my thoughts and I began to be able to begin to believe that I really was who God said I am.

We are not the product of our circumstances.
We are a product of the Most High God.
We are born out of love...maybe not our earthly parents love...but the Father's love.
We are His daughters and sons.

How do you finally believe that you are who God says you are? You believe God's Word. His Word is truth and it says it all over those thin pages in black and white. He wrote you a love letter. It isn't just for your neighbor or the person sitting next to you at is for YOU too.

Some of you reading may be thinking that I don't know what you have been through or what you have done...and you are right...I may not know...but what I do know is that I have seen the pit of destruction...I have sat in the mud and mire...I have been hurt and broken...I have hurt and broke others. I have experienced much...and I will share that with you if you need help.

God has given us the gift of life...the gift of time...the gift of love...
I pray that you will open up this gift and embrace the life, the time and the love.
Believe and trust. Speak words of truth not lies.

Don't let the enemy still your time...God gave it to is yours.

I so wish I could just make you believe this. I will spend the rest of my given time here on this earth speaking this truth to the people...I lived my the first 42 years of my life believing the lies...and now that I live in His truth...I can not stop speaking this truth to YOU.

With so much love,

Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Pastor Coming Today

I am getting ready to head of to church this morning. The morning sun is out and the frost on the ground is glistening. The sun makes the fall red of the leaves on the trees lining our yard even more colorful than they were yesterday. When I opened the door to let the cat in, the cold air rushed in and reminded me of the temperature outside. I bundle up in a cardigan and a scarf. I put my warm boots on. My son on the other hand has a short sleeve shirt and shorts on...his normal attire for any day of the week...any weather...any season!

Today at church our new pastor will be speaking for the first time. Our little church with a handful of people will meet him. I am sure he is just as nervous as the people who are anticipating his arrival. Our church has gone through many changes over the last 6 months...we have lost our children's pastor, worship leader, youth pastors and most recently our pastors. Many people have left out of worry or fear of the unknown...some have stayed. The building is old...but the Lord is bringing fresh new life in to the church. Not just through a person..a pastor...but through the Lord's presence. Last week the stage was cleared off of all the clutter...just the mic and the music stand...the church was quiet...the worship leader who has been standing in for us was sick so our asst pastor stepped in. It was his first time leading worship. He stood up there alone with his guitar. He forgot to turn the sound on for the mic and no one told him. The Lord showed me this beautiful picture of the stripping away of the old...the bringing in of the clutter, no extra hoopla, no loud popular music...just His voice...just His presence...we had to take the time to listen, to hear, to follow along, to really hear the words that were being spoken...God is all for new..he is all for bringing new life to those who feel lost or dead or tired.

Today, I will drive the half hour to church in anticipation, not for the "new pastor" but for His new life that will be brought to a church that is in need of a fresh beginning. I pray that God will speak words of wisdom to our new pastor who as a leader in our church will facilitate this new life...he will lead and shepherd God's people. I pray for this church that seems to be dead for life to be poured in like a pitcher of fresh cool water pouring in to a clean tall glass.

Off I meet with a small building...filled with His love.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Feed yourself some life today.

"Fix your thoughts on what is
true and honorable,
and right,
and pure,
and lovely,
and admirable.
Think on things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8 NLT

For most of my life I spoke words of hate to myself. I would wake up in the morning and my first thoughts were put downs and words that devalued who I was. I started my day in defeat. One thought leads to another and then another and then I believe these words to be true. I live that way...I make decisions based on these thoughts...I hold back and skip opportunities. I hide from my calling.

When I came home from treatment from an eating disorder, I had to learn new ways of thinking and speaking to myself. If I wanted to get better I had to make changes and new choices. The first scripture God placed on my heart to memorize was Philippians 4:8. Every time I spoke hateful words...such as...I am fat....I am stupid...I can't do anything right...why am I even here on this earth...what's the point...I am ugly...I am disgusting...I don't deserve to be healthy (these were the things I said to myself each day)...I began to ask myself if those words were admirable or lovely or pure. And then I would chose new words...even if I didn't believe them...because words of life feed our souls with peace and joy. We need to feed our minds with truth and life. I am smart. I am a loving mother. I have worked hard. I have made mistakes, but I am not that person anymore. I am made new. Nothing can separate the love of God. I am valuable because God chose to die on the cross so that I could be free. I was created in the image of God. God has great plans for me.








worthy of praise

Healthy life giving words feed our minds with the Truth.

I challenge you to memorized this scripture...the truth...a command of the Lord...and each time you begin to speak negative words to yourself...ask "is what I am saying lovely"? When we speak those negative words over ourselves we are disputing God's creation...for he created us in his image...are we saying God made a mistake? We can make mistakes, but each mistake is redeemable, restorable and forgiven...we can speak truth and life over our lives...we MUST. How can you do what God has placed you on this earth to do if you are not feeding yourself LIFE GIVING WORDS.

Feed yourself life.

